Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A testimony

This blog is a testimony to my Spirit. To my Passion. To my Desire to be a person whom does something good on this earth. To honor Mother Earth and Father Time.

And in the process of what I assumed would be 10 followers, mostly of family, or close friends, I’ve found that people actually want to read what I have to say. People I know, or don’t know, people who find me creative, my story intriguing. Cheers to you!

To all those people: THANK YOU. I treasure the time that I write. I treasure the diary that I am creating. However, I treasure those that read it, I treasure the emails, comments, facebook messages, and texts that tell me how much “you” are enjoying it, or that my writing inspired you, or that it encouraged you.

It’s a completely unintended, but ever so welcomed side effect.

Just listen.

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