Friday, August 19, 2011

What I learned today . . .

As written on July 19, 2011.

Plagued with a desire to live a meaningful life, I sit on my couch and sip my wine and ponder the events of my day.  I sat in a meeting with the lobbyist from AWI and a senator from New Hampshire.  Well, so not the senator because that’s not always how it goes down.  You meet with the senator’s LA, or legislative assistant. Chris, from AWI, discussed some issues concerning horse slaughter, as well as, the horrible white nose syndrome that has killed off millions of bats.  It has spread in catastrophic numbers and will have a detrimental affect on agriculture if it continues to spread.

Then I came back to the office and continued to work on amphibian import numbers.  Suffice it say, most wild caught amphibians are sold as pets.  The numbers are startling and quite disturbing. 

It’s heart wrenching what I have witnessed at AWI.  And I was informed on the issues prior to arriving and I was prepared for a difficult summer.  I had no freaking clue. 

Politics piss me off.  Playing the damn game annoys the hell out of me.

Today I learned I don't want to be a lobbyist.

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