Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Frog legs anyone?

Today I started at AWI, or the Animal Welfare Institute.  I am very priviledged to have my own phone number, email address, and desk.  Opposite to how I expected intern life to be, I am not locked away in some dark closet.  Nor am I not allowed to speak.  In fact, my boss, DJ, encourages my input.  I was actually asked to edit his article, since I was a pair of fresh eyes. 

This experience is amazing.  Gandolf and I walked to the office.  It was a nice morning, a little hot, but in my current blissful state, any temperature seems to be just right.  Trevor, one of the farm animal interns, and I chatted for a few minutes this morning, and as soon as my computer got set up, and a brief phone call with DJ, I was good to go. 

By the way, on any given day there are at least four dogs in the building, and a bird named Horatio.  Gandolf had the pleasure of working, err, snoozing with Collin and Wolfie today.  I had the pleasure of learning about and compiling data concerning the import of reptiles and amphibians into the United States. 

Most of today was spent on frogs, actually.  Any species of frog you can imagine.  Most of these frogs are acquired in Indonesia, usually captured from the wild and then shipped to the EU and the USA for use as a food product, or as an exotic pet.  The sad part about all this research was the effect that removing a native species in bulk from it's habitat.  The effect it has on the local, usually poor, native human and wildlife population is horrific.

My exact title is Wildlife Intern.  Therefore, I will be working on aspects of the law that deal more with animals in the wild, rather than Fluffy, our household pet, or the bovine, whom is destined for your grill in a few weeks. 

The particular project today was eye-opening, I had not the slightest clue that frog legs were so popular or that frogs were imported INTO the United States in such large quantities.  The most disturbing aspect of my work today was the toll that frog exportation takes on the local environment and local people.

After a brief fight with Microsoft Excel (Picture this), I had an epiphany.  Gandolf is in the other room; I'll take a break.  I went in the other office and snuggled with not one, not two, but three lovely canines.  They were happy to cuddle and play with me, and I totally forgot how frustrated I had been.  My wish for today is that my friends Holly and Laura get to experience this feeling one day.  The experience of being absolutely frustrated, but also working where your dog can console you, where you can get a lick on the cheek, and a doggie breath, paw hug to totally forget whatever bullshit was going on at your desk. 

I returned to my desk with a fully refreshed mind.  Excel, magically, started doing as it was told.  Blood pressure had been lowered; this was adverted.  And all because of dog breath. 

The rest of the afternoon went off without a hitch.  Gandolf and I walked back home.  I contemplated what I had learned in one day, and can only imagine what I will be taught in 30 days, much less 60 days.

All of the sudden my summer seems really short.  Almost as if there is not enough time to soak up all the goodness that I can.  To soak up all the knowledge that I can from a great group of forward thinking, compassionate, motivated people. 

All those intern horror stories, yeah, I highly doubt that will be my experience because even if the "people" don't like me, their dogs, and bird, always will.


  1. I'm a firm believer that amazing things can happen if one just has a few moments to snuggle with their pet and then get back to work (the office equivalent of going into the freezer at a restaurant when you have made your 100th trip to the sweet tea urn and just want to give up). As an intern, I propose you work on a bill that would allow me to take Franklin (aka Senior F.S. Poopy Pants Motterly Moobley Boobley) with me to help the truckers. GET TO WORK.

    ...and the copier needs toner.

    i kid i kid

  2. haha!it's hortense! and the "people" like you, too, even if i don't want to lick your face (although if i have too much wine, who knows)!!!
