Sunday, June 26, 2011

Outside the frame

My ex-professor (in the kindest way possible JAM) posted this on facebook yesterday:

Is humbled by the kindness of others.
I, too, share in this humbleness. Thanks to my friend, Laura, the boys and I received this package of goodies on Friday. On a Friday that was the longest day for me and a Kate Middleton overdose was exactly what the doctor ordered.

I’m not sure what I did in this life, or a past one, to have such wonderful people in my life. Kind, generous, uplifting, encouraging people; most of whom I met while in wretched law school. Laura did not have to send me a care package, nor did Nikki have to listen to me bitch and moan about my petty problems with my internship, while I am having an epic summer, and she has much more on her plate that I. Nor did Holly have to listen to my winoisms about the Feld v. HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) oral argument that I attended at the D.C. District Court last week when I know she had a million other things to do. (By the way, you can check out a brief summary of what this case is about here. Thus far, and in MY (emphasis added) humble opinion, this line of cases is not going well on the animal welfare front.)

Appellate Advocacy. I saw an amazing oral argument. It truly was a conversation between the judge and the lawyer about the law. It was quite exciting. I saw some great lawyering. However, the whole slew of litigation seems to be wrought with bad lawerying. Issues raised at oral argument that were not raised in the 248 page, amended 4 times, brief. A REALLY, REALLY bad witness. The Honorable Judge Emmet Sullivan, who has been dealing with this string of litigation since 2000, being less than enthused with the animal advocacy corner. (Yes, you read that correctly. 2000. 11 years.) Litigation that appears as if it was just designed to drag the Circus through the Elephant poo. (After thought: this is not my opinion, only how it it seems.)

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not crazy about circuses, or zoos for that matter, however, it does not help the Cause if we have a District Court Judge who seems to side with Feld Entertainment (AKA Ringling Brothers) and think the animal advocacy groups have an ongoing conspiracy. It does not help the cause to have allegations of fraud and embezzlement.

Again, in MY (emphasis added) humble opinion, Feld Entertainment has a case. I do not think Judge Sullivan will dismiss the case. However, I doubt that the Judge will rule on this until the decision he handed down in 2009 comes back from its appeal. So, we shall see.

Perhaps this blog has a longer life span than first imagined; I plan to stay updated on this case.

Oh, wait, back to being humbled by the kindness of others. The point is this, my friends. I know some amazing people. I hope that, my modest in size but grand in knowledge, spirituality, and experience, circle of life continues to enrich my journey. I somehow got lucky enough to have a relationship with some remarkable people. Please know that I hope to enrich your life as much as you have enriched mine.

In all that surrounds him the egotist sees only the frame of his own portrait.

--J. Petit-Senn

Cheers to what happens outside the frame of this blog. You, my friends, give my existence true depth.
Cheers to you, JAM.  You are an amazing professor.  Thanks for your encouragement.  *clink*

When all your love is gone
Who will save me
From all I'm up against out in this world
Maybe, maybe, maybe
You'll find something
That's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around
And come on home

--Matchbox Twenty

Here is Laura's care package and the boys enjoying it.

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