Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Humans sniff butts too

The friendship of a dog is precious. It becomes even more so when one is so far removed from home.... I have a Scottie. In him I find consolation and diversion... he is the "one person" to whom I can talk without the conversation coming back to war.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The dog park is a great place. Even when it’s a sweltering 97 degrees. The mesh of people and happy dogs makes my heart sing. The ease of conversation with the fellow man about your best friend and his friend, Fido. And how the “Fidos” become best buds after a short butt sniff. The magic of the moment is when you realize that you, too, have made a bud after a similar short ‘butt sniffing,’ of sorts, with your fellow man. Albeit our ‘butt sniffing’ consists of at least three consecutive visits to the dog park and the normal isolated corner of the park, until the moment you are invited in. Into the dog park circle, the circle of fellow dog lovers whom take time out the day to ensure that the pooches get some exercise and social time.

Tonight I was invited in. Literally yelled at from across the park, and told that “I can throw the Frisbee from where they are at.” Apparently one gentleman had recognized me, no, now be lets be serious here. He recognized the Great White Gandalf and his socially awkward doggie greeting, and the Black Dog with the cotton ball tail, whom only wants to catch the Frisbee.

For those of you that frequent the same dog parks, this should be par for the course. And I love it. For those that don’t, you should try it. This interesting conglomerate of people who gather to let their treasured friend play. The mass of big hearts that feel they owe at least an hour to their lovely dogs, which dutifully sit by our sides at the office, or nap under the desk, or stare out the window at home awaiting our return. The mass of face licking, get dirty, spray some water on the hot dogs (and hot people) and genuinely enjoy a little social time, social time completely centered around Man’s Best Friend.

Upon the recognition that we had a few dogs who were “too hot” on our hands, the “dog park crew” dispersed and parted ways. Back to our row house, or apartment, or studio. Back to pour a bowl full of ice water and tuck our dearly beloved best friend in for the night (most of whom probably chose the tile floor for the coolness on the belly).

All that just to say that Strauss and Gandalf officially have D.C. friends, now if only I could find one, or two . . .

Today I went in early, and then left late from AWI. And I enjoyed every minute of it. I started on some case law research about Wild horse and burro populations and round-ups. I spent the majority of my day on the same treaty as yesterday. As it stands today, my projects are as follows:

• Wild horse and burro case law research

• Coyote, fox, and wolf penning statute compilation and comparison from all 50 states

• Treaty analysis

• International Whaling Commission and International Maritime Organization structure review and update

• Brief on domestic courts’ interpretation of a treaty

And as it stands today, I find myself making to-do lists not because I have to, but because I want to. To ensure that I get to a project. I set my timer on my phone and unless I’m so deep into a topic that I can’t get out, I switch. Reason #1 that I switch: fresh eyes. I see the topic anew and usually see something different. Reason #2: I work more efficiently if I switch tasks after a few hours. Reason #3: I am anxious and want to see a little of it all. Reason #4: the dog has to go out.

When I am so lucky to get paid to do this, it just may be The Best Day.

Tomorrow will be too hot to take the dogs to work. 102 is a bit much to ask them to walk to the office, plus Momma’s gotta pay the bills, yo. So I’ll work for free and love it tomorrow during the day, and work for the dolla bills tomorrow night and probably drudge through it.

The average dog has one request to all humankind. Love me.
Helen Exley

My challenge to you: Love. Love life. Love people. Love the earth. Love.

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